Wednesday, March 31, 2004

Sorry about the lack of timely updates. I'm in feast mode at the moment. That is, I've enough work to occupy three people at present.

A couple of things.

Do you have a vexing question for NSA Anacondoleezza Rice? Send mail !

Can't hurt. Might just be fun.

FYI, you can use the same contact info. to propose questions for Bush and Cheney as well. Sure, it's a lark. But fun is always a good thing...No running with scissors!


Gold is around $427 USD/oz. There are two sharply divided camps as to the overall health of equities markets, and economies. Moves into metals are generally seen as 'safe haven' buying. There is of course much to be concerned about.

From discord in the Middle-East to the November election to the high price of energy, there are certainly enough unknowns for people to be shifting asset classes.


600 U.S. deaths in Iraq. Sad. Very sad.


Read or listen to this account of former FBI translator Sibel Edmonds. You will not be disappointed. Amazing stuff.

Hired after 9/11 to translate intelligence information, Ms. Edmonds says the FBI had information that an attack using airplanes was being planned before Sept. 11 and calls Condoleezza Rice's claim the White House had no specific information on a domestic threat or one involving planes "an outrageous lie.


You will not be disappointed. Amazing stuff.


Also from Democracy Now! comes a conversation with long time Middle-East correspondent, Robert Fisk.
Veteran Middle East correspondent Robert Fisk reports live from Baghdad. Fisk describes the "grotesque, gruesome, terrible" attacks in Fallujah, the contracted mercenaries that have infiltrated Iraq: "They swagger in and out with heavy weapons, with automatic weapons and pistols as if they're cowboys" and the deteriorating situation throughout the country: "The violence and the insecurity, the sense of anarchy is greater."


From The Bulletin comes specific information about the U.S' potential issues with strategic long-term planning in the interest of short-term political goals.

The piece deals with the U.S. duplicitous policy regarding Pakistan: A known nuclear proliferator.


More stuff tomorrow.

With any luck, I'll have template v0.3 ready in the AM.

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