Saturday, April 03, 2004

Accuracy in campaigning

In order to bring you the most accurate in campaign analysis, we again look to Annenberg's Fact Check. This time, a Kerry ad falls under the watchful eye of Fact Check.

What you need to know:
A Kerry ad has Bush saying that sending jobs overseas "makes sense." But Bush didn't say that.

The quote is actually from Bush's Council of Economic Advisers. The Kerry campaign claims Bush signed the report containing those words, but that's wrong, too.

Some Bush administration officials do indeed defend the practice of contracting for white-collar services overseas as one aspect of free trade, which they say creates jobs in the US. Textbook economics supports that notion. But the Kerry ad goes too far when it makes the President seem to be rooting for the loss of US jobs using words he never used...[snip]

Kerry's ad would have been closer to the mark had it said "The Bush administration says sending jobs overseas 'makes sense' for America." That would merely be taking words out of context and oversimplifying a complex economic argument. But falsely putting words in Bush's mouth is deception...[snip]
I expect this campaign to be filled with falsehoods and obfuscations. I'll do my best to point inconsistencies out in this blog.

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