Thursday, November 20, 2014

Ho hum. I am still waiting for my OTA update to Android 5. I would rather get a stable shiny new OS than a buggy one. After reading about iOS 8 and its need for updates every few days, patience is indeed a virtue. Apple is already up to 8.1.1 and no doubt, there will be more versions. I am certain that Android 5 will go through similar teething pains, so I do not rely on mobile devices to get real work done.

I am sort of ticked off about the XDA Developers Premium app that is taking seemingly forever to accept my new log-in creds. Yep. 'Twas my fault in that I changed my passwords whilst at breakfast, and figured I would kill off all app data while I was at it. I paid 0.99USD for the app. I expect results!

the website data and app data should sync momentarily.

I would buy LastPass for mobile if it was a one-time fee. A subscription based service is not for me. I think I'll crib my passwords in my tablet protector. I have another app that I paid for, but it is certainly not LastPass. These free for PC, pay for mobile apps are a pricing model that I just do not get. I have hundreds of passwords in my LP vault, but visit very few websites via mobile. Wolfram Alpha is likewise. Of course I can tote notebook and get full privileges of LP, and Wolfram Alpha, so it is truly no big deal.

I would buy Wolfram Alpha if Amazon Ppps store carried it, as I have enough coins to make the purchase. Meh. Too much whining

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