Saturday, November 15, 2014

Being ill sucks..Where's my Android 5 OTA? And another thing..

I have been ailing to varying degrees since 11.09.2014. I would suspect Lyme(borreliosis), but since I feel better today, it isn't likely to be that. My symptoms have mainly been an overwhelming sense of enervation and general malaise. Given such non-specific symptoms, it could simply be that the change to DST. I nearly always have a bout of some level of difficulty directly after the change--which occurred on 11.04, but this time(no pun intended) it has been a four day event. Given that I had no fever, or other outward manifestation of real illness A wee bit of seasonal affective disorder(SAD) seems the likeliest culprit. Unfortunately, I am back.

WTF, Google? I want my over the air(OTA) update to Android 5.0 AKA Lollipop. I do not want a buggy release, but the image for my Nexus 7 is available for download..and has been for a couple of days. I have resisted putting any not "5" compatible applications on my tablet..and I have foregone rooting the device. I am going to clean up my tablet before I apply the update. I would flash the image, but I do not need to go through the process of reinstalling everything and remembering what settings I prefer.

The last thing on my enfeebled mind is that I still have 100 bulbs to put into mother earth. I must accomplish this within the following two days. Than I will mulch a few things, and be done until spring for starting a bunch of plants. But that's not until Feb. 2015 at the earliest.

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