Thursday, November 20, 2014

Go figure..The Nexus 7 Android 5.0 is buggier than I thought possible. Bad Google, bad!

Well, now there are numerous reasons why I haven't received my Android 5 OTA downgrade for my Nexus 7.

Yep. It is really awful. I was thinking about side loading the new OS, but I am certainly glad that I did not. I have said it before, and I will say it again, Microsoft has the least buggy mobile OS--save for perhaps Blackberry--in the very latest and greatest iteration.

If you are having issues with your N7 wi-fi let Google have it..or perhaps simply know about it.

This is really inexcusable. If I shipped a package as bug ridden as this, I would expect my customer to send it right back. Thankfully, that has never happened in 30 years of coding. Test everything under all available scenarios. I was once running six differently configured Windows VMs to test software prior to shipping.

Since the Chrome browser doesn't even get a passing grade, this is very ungood. There is a new release of Chrome that may play better with Anroid 5--as it has Material Design elements--but if so, that should have pushed out well in advance of the 5.0 release.

Apple and Google are really having issues. Applesauce..8.1.1 is a non-fix.

Surely these two tech. giants can do better than a team of three coders.

I am taking on an easy Android task. I am going to construct an icon set that hopefully won't suck. Any UI work that I engage in is never good enough, but I will be using as my goalpost the truly excellent Moonshine+ Launcher Theme. I will only shoot for 100 icons. I am going to leave the new Android Material Design icons essentially alone, save for a dew small tweaks that will be display more minimalistic than Mat. Des. icons. Three icone per day is my goal, so I will have my set done by the end of the year. I think I'll do all mine in 192x192px so they'll display well on most any screen. I have a cool hedgehog search icon done, but it is too busy for my Mat. Des. pack.

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