Thursday, September 04, 2014

Ebola death toll passes 1,900 per WHO

More than 1,900 people have now died of Ebola in West Africa, the World Health Organization said Wednesday, warning the world’s worst-ever outbreak of the virus is still gathering pace.

There are now more than 3,500 confirmed cases since the West African outbreak began in December of 2013.

Ofttimes being correct is not a very nice place. I again post my chart from 08.25.2014:

I have no ability in forecasting anything. I just extended the trendlines; and the trend will stay in place until the contagion level and death toll undergo some transformation. Extending the graph until 1 October will be very sobering indeed. I will do so after I get back from a show on 09.06.2014 or is a two day event, and it is out of doors. The weather forecast for 09.06.2014 is very much up in the air at this juncture. I will post pics of one of my other lives.

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