Thursday, August 28, 2014

You know you have issues when.....

....brain-eating amoebae have taken up residence in the municipal water supply.

Things really are linked. Just the other day I was going to post this similar story as a tie-in to global climate change.

Louisiana just can't catch a break.

Is it only a coincidence that incidence of N. fowleri seems to be closely matched to the Mississippi River system? Surely I cannot be the only person to have made this observation. No. I am not speculating that "Old Man River" is a natural reservoir for brain-eating amobae. I shall remain mute on the subject until further evidence sways me one way or the other. Minnesota is the anomalous state where one wouldn't expect cases of a warm water amoeba...and yet.

I truly hope that the situation in LA is taken care of post-haste.

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