Monday, December 19, 2005

The Ugly Side of Happiness
There is another study confirming what most people know, happy people tend to do better at living.

Unfortunately, I have had to release more happy people for lack of the ability to perform their tasks than their more serious, dour, yet technically more adept engineering colleagues.

It may just be that engineering isn't a people oriented profession. This is of course true. If my HR counterparts prevailed upon applicants that performing partial differential equations AND being jolly were unequally weighted - that the math far outweighs a smile - then maybe I'd have a better employee retention rate.

You'd not likely know it from the tone of this blog, but I am a gregarious and yes, happy guy.

Sure, I rail against injustice, but I feel that to be strongly positive. My colleagues are sometimes put off by my often anarchistic rantings, but I always do it with a smile :)

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