Saturday, November 19, 2005

Pull-out Fall-out
The House voted down a GOP proposal to immediately end the US occupation in Iraq In another late night session, the GOP hoped to put Democratic members of the House on recoed as not being for an immediate withdrawal.

The resolution was offered by Armed Services Committee Chairman Duncan Hunter, who said he intended it to fail. Interesting, no?

Now this, my friends is political grandstanding at its most absolute. The GOP is in real trouble. The Iraq war redux is already a loser in the court of US public opinion, and this attempt to get Dems. to vote for a non-binding resolution is a textbook example of what the White House is so versed in labeling "gotcha ploitics."

I do not know if this got any air-time whatever, but at this juncture, it seems clear that the momentum is against the war, and that the White House has the most difficult task of restoring credibility in the minds of the majority of Americans. A tough sell given ongoing investigations into a number of areas.

Rembember Bush's campaign pledge to restore "restore honor and dignity to the White House." How hollow those words now ring.

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