Thursday, November 17, 2005

Digital Fish Wrap
One Wayne Simmons appeared on The O'Reilly Factor(no, must've missed it), and had some wholly unwarranted invective to spew forth about Evil Democrats(© Fox News)

He is on the record as saying: "If the Democrats come into power in the United States and re-employ their vision of defense for this country, we will have 9-1-1s unabated. That's not maybe. We know what took place in the past."

I wonder what past this fine fellow is referring to..It must be the past that the liberal elites quashed to make our history a bit tidier. Maybe? ;)

Media Matters has the transcript, a video to watch(ooh, fun!), and is a great place to get your daily dose of Right-wing agit-prop; typically quickly dispatched by nasty facts.

Simmons is ex-CIA, but he's no non-partisan. Unless partisanship to baseless accusations counts.

NewsHounds has a bit up about another Simmons appearance on - Another Fox program! Hannity and Colmes this time. This is from 8 Oct. 05:
Colmes brought up the recent news that there was a spy in the White House and of course Simmons mentioned that he started there with Al Gore adding that standards were loose in the Clinton White House telling Colmes, "Clinton made it so easy."

Colmes was very annoyed and brought up Rove and the expected indictments. Simmons defended Rove and blurted out the recent right wing myth that David Corn is the leaker and then went after Joe Wilson. Colmes was all over Simmons, " Joe Wilson had the balls to call them on the Niger yellowcake story.." ( never heard Colmes say "balls" on H&C) Then Colmes suggested that they call David Corn about being the leaker and he was really ready to do it. Simmons was forced to back down and the know it all persona that he parades on Fox News was seriously damaged.

The battle continued until Simmons shouted, "You hate that Bush is right!" and Colmes replied, "I hate that he's so wrong!"
I'd have loved to pull the entire exchange, but you get the flavor, and NewsHounds deserves a visit!

Simmons, from my limited exposure to his appearances on Fox, appears to use the non-sequitur as his logical fallacy of choice.

But I'm sure he's really a great guy off camera ;)

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