Friday, November 18, 2005

Budget Fight Quotes!
Since I can't yet seem to get the numbers - WaPo has a little chart up, but that was pre-passage - I give you fight quotes!

Below is a random, unsorted collection of quotes surrounding yesterday's Big Budget Battle! Beltway Brawl? Without further ado, and shame to me and my family:
"What we're trying to do is save the future generations from mountains upon mountains upon mountains of debt. The deception is saying that we should do nothing." - Rep. Patrick T. McHenry(R-NC)

"This is the cruelest lie of all: That the only way you can help people who have lost everything is by hurting somebody else." - Rep. Gene Taylor(D-MS)

[If the issue was] "in fact [about] cutting deficits, one could argue persuasively that we need to balance the budget. But it's not. It's about cutting spending here, and then cutting taxes." - Rep. Steny Hoyer(D-MD)

"We are having to try to balance the budget on the backs of people who can least afford it," he said. "I think what's happening is a lot of the things the Republicans have been doing are coming back to haunt them, and the nation." - Rep. Elijah E. Cummings(D-MD)

"I call this bill the 'Tax Increase Prevention Act.'" - Sen. Rick Santorum(R-PA)

"After the tax cuts are passed, there won't be a dime to pay for (hurricanes) Katrina or Rita." - Rep. John Spratt(D-SC)

"We made a serious effort to reduce the patterns of spending in this gigantic bill. Then we made the gigantic and controversial step of saying no to projects. The combination of that was too much for them to swallow." - Rep. Jerry Lewis(R-CA)

"It [this bill] betrays our nation's values and its future. "It is neither compassionate, conservative nor wise." - Rep. Steny Hoyer(D-MD)

"There's a message in this, and that's that the people of America are only going to accept so many cuts in healthcare, in Medicaid, in Medicare, in transportation, and other vital areas." - Sen. Dianne Feinstein(D-CA)
I know that I quoted 6 Dems. and 3 Repubs. The media deemed Dems. had more interesting things to say, and a lot more of them were quoted.

Until I get some numbers, this will have to serve.

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