Friday, October 28, 2005

Total Recall
It seems that Governor Ahnuld is suffering from flashbacks. In a interview with the AP on Thusday(10-27-05) the Governator said this regarding Cali-Forn-I-Ay's democrats having a less than sanguine response to his 'government reforms.'
"I want to move things forward and ... they want to destroy me. It's a self-serving government that's all about them rather than serving the people, and it's wrong."
I think Arnold was having a stress related reaction causing him to paraphrase from his role in 1990's Total Recall, where as Douglas Quaid, the Austrian oak uttered:
"Get your story straight. That idiot over there, Richter, has been trying to kill me ever since I went to Rekall.
The Governor's quote comes from the AP..Here's a link, the film quote is from memory, and the issues that the Cali. Dems. are having issue with are quickly spelled out in this brief Reuters article.

With his re-election(?) coming up soon, this is likely to be a referendum about not only these policy moves, but also his chances in the upcoming election.

As Ahnuld might say: "I'll be bach...Unless I lose, den I guess I wone be bach. Zee you. I gotta go fill da Hummer."

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