Thursday, October 27, 2005

Indictment Anxiety Relief!
If you're like me - and if your are, your parents are quite likely openly sobbing even as I type - then you may need a break from the mis-reports and just plain sloppy, baseless opinions being bandied about by the MSM, bloggers, and well, pretty much everyone with any manner of interest in what only Fitzgerald and very few others know.

Take a vacation.

If you've been following this for a time, you've earned it(not like the last one my employer bestowed upon me :))

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, is to go over to Media Matters and poke around a bit.

There is a lot more going on than what I loathe to call 'Plamegate.' The reason that I am so very hesitant to use that term is that Watergate was essentially a cover-up of a burglary, whilst this latest White House criminal enterprise concerns the cover-up of the outing of a US intelligence person - in a time of war no less. AND, no one can say with any degree of certainty just how deep this rabbit-hole goes.

The difference in real harm done to the country differs by orders of magnitude - and that is from what we already know with a very high degree of probability.

So.....Go on over, and read most anything - or most everything. You'll emerge a truly more informed person, and with a little luck, just maybe your parents will be able to put down the box of tissues for a moment ;)

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