Wednesday, October 26, 2005

Fashionably Late
Okay, rather than bore my gentle readers with a long winded post about Intel's dropping of a great many of their server processors, I'll keep it brief.

Intel has stuck to its processor roadmap for far too long. The now quaint notion that the legacy style processor/core logic/front side bus is still a valid opttion for future development has finally been dropped by the Santa Clara chip giant.

They've wisely opted to adopt a strategy much like their small rival AMD has done. It's unclear what Intel will call this technology, but anyone familiar with the architecture of AMD's Opteron processors will immediately recognize this as a variant of HyperTransport.

For anyone that wants to really dig into this, and that probably amounts to a tiny fraction of my readers, I would suggest not reading anything more about the matter, and wait until either Brian Neal or Johan De Gelas at Ace's Hardware cut through the hype, and give you the story straight.

There's a lot of odd speculation by people not in the field at this point. I don't see that as serving anyone particularly well.

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