Saturday, May 29, 2004

Stuff You Should Know

I am pretty busy today, so I'll just toss out things that you should may know already.

The Independent is reporting that exiled Iraqi Iyad Allawi, picked to be the interim Prime Minister in Iraq has ties to both the CIA and Britain's MI6, as well as being the source for the now discredited '45 minutes' claim.

The Independent report states: "Dr Allawi became a businessman with contacts in Saudi Arabia. He was charming, intelligent and had a gift for impressing Western intelligence agencies.

Sounds eerily like Chalabi, doesn't it? Ties to the CIA, spurious weapons claims..hell, it could be Chalabi.

We'll never learn.

I'll post more later.


Democracy Now!'s Amy Goodman and her journalist brother David have a book out: The Exception To the Rulers: Exposing Oily Politicians, War Profiteers and the Media That Love Them.

There is an excerpt from the book on Democracy Now!'s website. If you've been paying very close attention to what's been going on the past three and a half years, there's little new, but it's a good reminder of how we got to this point fighting simultaneous wars in two theatres.

Important: On Wednesday's Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman stated that their Monday(05/31/2004) show is going to dedicated to an airing of a new documentary by Michael Burns titled: Preventive Warriors. The documentary seeks to address some of the potential consequences of the "Bush Doctrine."

Should be interesting.

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