Sunday, May 23, 2004

Sarin Part 6

Another day with no confirmation of Sarin.

Why not? It should have been confirmed or not by now. The Right has been accusing the Left of 'defeatism.'

The Left, and anyone that wants the truth, is properly waiting for the the forensics to flesh out.

The Right, in their rush to call this "the smoking gun" that Saddam had WMD merely weakens their position by showing their overt partisanship, while the rational commentator awaits confirmation that will not come from the fertile imaginations of Right wing political pundits, but by the cool unbiased tools of science.

I know that I'm getting a lot of play off this issue. It is because I want the truth - as best as can be determined - about the infamous alleged Sarin 155mm round.

With every passing day, the rational person's skepticism grows.

If this does turn out to be Sarin, it is my hope that this is, as Scott Ritter has speculated, a 'dud' left over from the time when Saddam was experimenting with binary weapons, and not part of any stockpile.

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