Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Ten Links of Interest Returns!

The first three are all related.

A riddle: What is/are the Nexus(Nexii?) beween Kofi Annan, China and France? I thought it was satire when I first read it. For the intriguing answer(s) see the following:

Straight outta the UN

The French Connection Redux

and finally,

Peter Lee's take on all this

Truth is indeed stranger than fiction.

The Routed Taliban take credit for two deadly car bombings in Kabul, Afghanistan, underscoring just how routed they are.


New Scientist reports Maternal diet linked to offspring's longevity A snip:

Minor manipulations of a mother's diet can hugely affect the lifespan of her children, suggests a new study of mice.

"At the two extremes we looked at, the dietary changes increased the difference in lifespan by more than 50 per cent," says Susan Ozanne, who performed the research with Nicholas Hales at Cambridge University, UK.

I'm glad that I'm not a mouse. Honest!

VOA reports that Spirit is on the hunt for Martian Water! Multimedia at link.

MyDoom Variant Appeared Today

Must read piece about Bush and the gutting of Environmental Standards

From a Major U.S. news outlet(CBS) comes Doing Business with the Enemy It's a small expose about U.S. corporations that do business with countries known to fund/harbor terrorists. I don't know that any countries supply anything to any terrorists. I'm at the mercy of the media to tell me the story. Pretty much like everyone else.

As reality closes in, Bush balks on WMD claims


Those are tonight's ten. :) I'm going to have a pizza.

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