Monday, January 26, 2004

Last entry of the evening.

The 9/11 commission meets tomorrow and Tuesday. Kean has already hinted that Bush and Clinton may be called as witnesses.

The Administration seems to have something very embarrassing to hide. After all, the attack took place under Bush's watch. That fact cannot be altered.

For those that lost family members, this group must be allowed all the time, and all the access it needs. Of course the commission members must ASK for more time, but Kean seemed to want to this correctly.."get history right' I believe he said.

Salon has a piece out and the Minneapolis Star Tribune has a decent editorial regarding the commission and some background on the White House's stonewalling. I'm seeking permission to reprint it. I should know by mid morning.

This is being politicized, but it should not be. The commission should be able to say, "I need X, Y and Z." and the White House should say, "you've got it." Of course, like everything having to do with this Administration, it hasn't worked out so tidily.

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