Tuesday, March 04, 2003

Still More News

Bush says Force Now Option on North Korea Todd says, all of our troops in the region will become carbon bits, as well as most of the South Koreans. Bush is a master at diplomacy.

Advisors warn Bush he faces "humiliating" defeat on UN resolution Jesus handles humility well.

Union Warns Movie Execs Not To Pick On Antiwar Actors Okay, Hollywood gets blanket protection. Don't expect it to last. See who owns what studio, and place your bets.

White House may lose its Sheen of peace To keep Martin on the show, email TheWestWing.

Russia May Use Veto Power to Stop War We've heard that at this point, Russia will use its veto power. No matter, BushCo will claim they're irrelevant.

More on US spooks, NZ style Where is the US press? Is this a holiday?

Bush has what's known in Poker circles as a 'tell" When Bush lies, he twists his mouth around to the side and bites his lip. Of course he lies on other occasions. I'd argue that anytime his lips move, he's trying to sell you a whopper.

WARshington Post justifies jingoism on Iraq This isn't new news, but it bears another look.

The War on Iraq: Conceived in Israel Now we like to present alternative views to the press, whom I've heard nary a word about PNAC from, but unless you can convince me that this is not the brain(dead) child of Paul Wolfowitz, PNAC member, I'll stick with that scenario. Read it, but always be skeptical, always. That's the only way to truth.

Bush is too expensive for the US: War Machine funding, which, oddly enough does not include funding for the Iraq conflict There are a lot of jokes in there, but I'll allow you to come up with them. I'll just have a good cry.

The Disinformation Age: How George W. Bush and Saint Colin of Powell are lying America into an
unnecessary war — and what honest journalists can do about it
As much as I respect Dennis Hans, our only honest discourse seems to be coming from outside the traditional American Media. If it wasn't for the UK, we'd be even more in the dark about what's really going on.

Blair rating at new low Good show, mates!!

Dershowitz: Torture could be justified Whenever you want to get the information you want, torture always works. It may not be correct information, but it'll stop the torture.

Still more about US bugging of the UN Don't expect the co-opted US press corps to be pursuing this with any zest.

Books not Bombs about to commence Mar. 05!! If you're a student of any age, in any country, join the protest!

"New Concepts in CBRN Warfare in the Light of the Gulf War Experience" Acrobat required.

Mossad, Mossad – Coming soon to a town near you! Maybe they'll recruit you!!

US Censorship Thwart's Film Highlighting Israel's Human Rights On All Major US Networks Guess what? It's working.

Senior US diplomat blames Bush for throwing the nation into disarray More on the Kiesling resignation.

LA Times Story(elaborate log-in process) Bush Pushes the Big Lie Toward the Brink"So the truth is out: George W. Bush lied when he claimed to be worried about Iraq's alleged weapons of mass destruction. Otherwise, Iraq's stepped-up cooperation with the U.N. on disarmament would be stunningly good news, obviating the need to rush to war." Much More at link.

Japan's Koizumi faces a 'Tony Blair bind' on Iraq Tony can't get a break. I know Bush will dump him at some point.

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