Sunday, March 02, 2003

News Part Two

Blair gives go-ahead for war without UN More dissing of the UN. These guys want war, and everyone be damned.

Hungary: U.S. Military Violated Airspace and The US has apologized. My savvy readership is well aware that Hungary is one of the countries 'On Board' for the war with Iraq. Is there no one we haven't pissed off about this unjust military action? I adore irony :)

"Bring back slavery" You mean it left? Nice piece about some of the nastier aspects of our "Friends." This article wants to be read!!

"The End of Days" An essay about why we feel as we do. If you're troubled, READ IT!

An Appeal from Dr. Helen Caldicott to THE POPE! Yeah, yeah, another Christian piece. As one of the very few that's listening, JP II is a reasonable person to voice your opinions to..however, his religion like all religions--Secular Humanism notwithstanding--is based on a fantasy. Boy, kept my atheism intact :)

The National Debt Clock if this doesn't concern you, then you must be under sedation. Remember, this is ONLY the federal debt. Add in the states, municipalities, and other parties, and I think it just about doubles. As always, I'll scour the planet to get a more accurate reading :)

Boycott committee launched
New group will target products of pro-Israeli firms
. That's sure to raise Ariel's blood pressure. Or does something else reside in his circulatoy system?

See the CIA's New Logo, Photoshop, repeat! It's fun!!

Quick facts on Richard Perle, a security risk? Please don't tell his PNAC buddies, they're all squeaky clean.

UPDATE 2-Judge says US Air can terminate pilot pension plan. So, we haven't had enough angry men flying aircraft laden with fuel? US Air can suck shit, but chopping pensions is like applying a bandage to stop terminal cancer.

Turkey Snubs Bush, Bush sulks but will seek revenge. Actually this is just another article about the Turkish Parliamentary vote of yesterday. I though it could use some added drama :) Hey, I was wrong.

Ex-Agents: FBI Enlists Violent Informants And yes, we're here to protect you. Read the article and see how the FBI 'investigates' cases, or doesn't.

Can anybody verify that this ad appeared in the NYT? Anybody? Bueller?

Turkey's Refusal Stuns US this next bit is rich: "They did what?" blurted one State Department official I dunno, we seem really dopey at times. Heh.

IRAQ: US 'intelligence' is `garbage' say inspectors. Boy, those UN peaceniks are picky about the intelligence Powell presented to the UN. Expect a real showdown this week. America: Arrogant, Undermining and Entertaining.

Police State 2003. It's the Aussies Turn at the Plate. Not to worry, we're reading your email to keep you safe. Right.

Doe V. Bush, A test of the Constitution's power. Interesting reading!

Israeli Forces Damage Palestinian Hospital--I guess those IDF folks can't keep it holstered for long. Another great day for peace.

Not Getting Enough Info. about the Palestinian-Israeli issue? Go here and watch Tom Hayes': Country and the Land. Just do it!!!!

Iraqi FM calls (UAE Cabinet Minister) Sheikh Zayed son "Zionist agent". I can't tell if this is just political grandstanding worthy of the US Government, or if it's legit. The UAE has split with the rest of the Arab League, but that doesn't mean that Zayed is an Israeli shill. *shrugs*

1989 story about Bush Sr. Whitehouse call Boy sex ring. Is this true? I have no idea, although the notion that Sr. is something of a paedophile does emerge from time to time. Until substantiated, this one's a mere internet curiousity.

US prepares to use toxic gases in Iraq. If true, this in violation of a treaty that not only the US signed, but also SPONSORED!! Oh, the hypocrisy. A must read!

The day the earth died. A chilling story about an almost forgotten Bio-weapons attack. We sold this stuff to Saddam, he has never used it against anyone. I fear in the 21st century that we'll see far more technologically advanced critters take over for agents such as Anthrax. Nano-technology is a good bet. Until then we can be sure that we can molecular engineer some really nasty bugs, such as the FRONTLINE reported Russian developed Smallpox/Ebola synthesis. Scary stuff indeed. Read the article!!

"Black" Radio Exposed: An Interview with Shortwave Specialist Mika Makelainen. Great read!! I learned something--hard to believe, I know. The description of the intent of "Black Radio" is nothing new to most in the US. We just call the propaganda, Fox News :)

US accused of spying on Security Council delegates. Nice. I have the memo referenced in the article in it's original form--don't ask. It appears that Condi Rice may be a little too paranoid. I suppose being in the same building as Der Shrubber would have that effect on anyone. No, I'm not defending the actions of Rice, or any member of the US or any other government that engages in this sort of activity.

GOP Aides Revise Bill To Help Big Firms: Lobbyists See Opening For Special Favors. The repugs are at it again. This is very low. I've noticed that Bush's self-serving rhetoric regarding "Corporate Governance" has left the building. It didn't require a soothsayer to foretell that one :)

ABOUT 2000 anti-war protesters have taken their message to the United States embassy and the Lodge. It's an Aussie article. Yet another example of a government being unresponsive to the people.

Suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Suspected Sept. 11 mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is expected to be turned over to U.S. authorities and interrogated in an undisclosed foreign country, a U.S. official said on Saturday. Am I being too suspicious, or is it possible that the US' case against Mohammed wouldn't stand the scrutiny of US justice? Is this even the same suspected Khalid Sheikh Mohammed? A 'stand in'? I have never been as concerned as I am right now about our government's motives.

My reasons for suspicion arose, in part from this article claiming that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was killed by Pakistani Rangers some time prior to 10/30/2002. An additional claim is that the FBI interrogated, "Mohammed's Widow" in a safe house somewhere in Pakistan. I dunno. Something stinks. Badly.

Pakistani's family shocked by Al Qaeda arrest

Top 9/11 suspect seized in Pakistan. Read the four articles and look at the glaring inconsistencies. I am ever the skeptic, but I've never found anything of value by accepting the scripted line, and parroting of others. Hrmmmph!

Could Tony Blair look at the internet now, please?. Why is the British Prime Minister the only person who seems to be unaware of the US hawks' agenda. I don't think Mr. Blair is the brightest of world leaders, but I cannot fathom that he has not been issued the pertinent PNAC documents the author alleges he hasn't. Bush, on the other hand, well, somebody printed him up a batch, I'm sure.

No plans for new Turkey vote on US troops: official. Yes, call me cynical but there's a gap between "No plans for new Turkey vote", and there will never be another vote on this matter. If the US caves and gives Turkey the 30 billion in direct aid and loans they asked for, I fear that we'll see another vote.

Libyan riot police prevent angry crowds from storming Saudi embassy. Wanna read an Arab pissing match? Here's your chance :)

Poll: Jordanians return to hard-line stance towards USA due to its regional policy. I can't tell if this is going to directly influence the Jordanian government, but at least their government appears to be listening to the people. George W. Bush, read this, please :)

The unofficial but rapidly growing British and European embargo on supply of military equipment to Israel is causing grave concern to Israeli military planners. Well, well, at least "Old Europe" has a real plan to curtail the Isreal nuclear threat. Will the US follow suit? Hint: NFW :)

Negroponte knows a lie when he hears one. He ought to. His past is filled with lies and deceit, but Bushy anointed him as US Ambassador to the UN. Read about nefarious John at the link.

American billions keep Arab regimes sweet. I read yesterday that it cost on annual basis 95 billion dollars to secure our oil interesta around the world. This includes bribes, err aid rather, and troop deployments. There's a big reason our petroleum is cheap here. It's because most of the costs are subsidized by the US government. Cheap petroleum is now seen as an entitlement in the US. I think that the money scould be better spent. Or, not spent. Now that's a novel idea! Oh yeah, read the article, it's by Robert Fisk. He's a real journalist :)

OFFICIAL 911 STORY UNRAVELLING. Wow, lots of yelling. Compare that article with the incomparable job Jared Israel and his staff have done at Emperor's Clothes 9/11 Page.

Revealed: US dirty tricks to win vote on Iraq war. These neocons will do anything to get their way. Including putting relationships that are in some cases centuries old. Don't they realize they'll be collecting unemployment very soon? :)

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