Friday, March 07, 2003

Mega News Links!

Blix: Iraq Actively Cooperating to Disarm

Impeaching Bush

This is a dictatorship? I have twice seen the same film clip on CBS news: an Iraqi citizen buying what looks like a machine gun (Kalashnikov), and another citizen trying out a semi-automatic pistol’s slide action. Both times, the voice-over warned of Iraqis preparing to defend themselves. Nobody mentions the obvious: unless the film clip was staged, Saddam Hussein lets Iraqis buy guns and ammo. This testifies against the theory that Saddam fears an organized uprising. If he fears assassination, he doesn’t fear it enough to impose complete gun control.

Tokyo Stocks Close Near Two-Decade Low

Pentagon Wants Mini-Nuke Ban Ended Easier for terrorists to tote!

Congress to Get More Bad News on Budget Front

Embassy advises Australians to leave Israel Can't leave witnesses to the ethnic cleansing, can we?

Raising Taxes on Every Level Not Good Government, Especially When the Nation is on the Brink of War

The Pentagon has set restrictions on journalists "embedded" with military units Short version: Report what we tell you and only what we tell you.

For 60 million, the cure may kill

U.S., Pakistani Officials Center Hunt for Bin Laden on Caravan

Afghan prisoners beaten to death at US military interrogation base

Oxford hands anti-war petition to No 10


USAF Fairford - Peace Camp Established

Jews Against War

Draft bill proposed in Congress Second story down

Border fence 'cut for war'

16 moving companies indicted for allegedly swindling customers

16 moving companies indicted for extortion. And, you guessed it, their defense is to scream, "Anti-Semitism"!

America admits suspects died in interrogations This is a polite way to say that these men were tortured to death. This is how the world will remember Americans. I hope the Germans don't mind stepping back to second place as the arch-villains of the modern world.

Lies with a purpose A campaign of deceit, lies, demagoguery, arm-twisting, and bribery is currently being committed by so-called political leaders who are responsible to their people to provide truthful information, but in recent months have refrained from doing so.

Mohammed predicts terror strikes How convenient for the war-mongers. Notice how much press this guy gets, while the government is moving to get the Moussaoui trial under wraps?

China: Iraq War Opposition Is Prevailing

Putin Tells Bush No War

What Can the World Do if the US Attacks Iraq? Arm Iraq. Drop the dollar. Withdraw their investment funds from US markets. Embargos. Increase tariffs on US goods.

Rumsfeld Filled His Pockets with Pyongyang's Nuclear Loot


FBI whistleblower: 'We can't stop terrorism unleashed by Iraq war.' So why are they going ahead with it?

Catholics Debating: Back President or Pope on Iraq?

Bush snubs Helen Thomas Stick to the script, milquetoast boy.

Hekmatyar Apprises Anan Of US Brutalities In Afghanistan, Seeks UN Role The US Army is starting to have the manners and morals of the IDF

Report: bin Laden's sons arrested Here is what I think happened. Yesterday, Israel was reporting that Bin Laden himself had been captured. After Bush had canceled his speech in the morning, he then decided to go ahead on the basis of having "good news" to announce, only to have it turn out that it was Osama's sons who were arrested, not Osama himself. Having already canceled and restarted the speech once, Bush could not cancel it again without looking bad, so he went ahead anyway, which is why he came across as having nothing to say, stammering from one
clichéd war-jingo to another, and dodging questions. UPDATE: It is not confirmed that the arrested men are actually Osama's sons.

UK troops tell of low morale, lack of food

Payrolls Plunged 308,000 in February

The Truth About September 11th From 23 Informative Websites

Saddam has 'motive' for UK attack Remember that "pre-emptive" thing the US has been waving around? It works both ways, you know. As for having the means, Britain built Saddam his mustard gas factory.

BLAIR: I'LL DEFY TRIPLE UN WAR VETO Blair is going to defy the United Nations in order to attack Saddam ... for defying the United Nations.


Is theft of radioactive material from Halliburton (and was it even a theft?) the prelude to a staged terror attack with a "dirty" bomb?

Thousands in march against war with Iraq

Able President, Military Woes "Please be clear that war protesters are not maligning our own countrymen. We are not in love with Saddam. We are simply trying to make people think about U.S. imperialistic policies, as well as getting our soldiers home safe and sound, and not letting our government sacrifice them for oil wells."

NYC asks Halliburton, G.E. & CononoPhillips to review dealings in Iran and Syria.

Move On Emergency Appeal to the UN

Israel orders destruction of mosque next to Basilica of Annunciation This is not going to help the situation.

France supplying Iraq with spare parts for their fighter jets.

Blix says some progress in Iraq arms cooperation

Euro hits four-year high against dollar When the rest of the Arab nations change from the dollar to the Euro as the oil currency of choice, the US economy will shatter.

Blix report devastates US claims No underground or mobile weapons labs. No uranium enrichment.

American special forces are already paving the way for mass invasion

UK Government to outlaw begging I guess that's easier to do than fixing the economy so that begging is unnecessary.

Pakistan's Army Gets New Nuclear-Capable Missile

'Dirty Bomb' Material Stolen From Halliburton In Nigeria That Halliburton is involved suggests this is part of a US Intelligence Operation. As a side note, Cesium 137, the actual material stolen, is a soft metal that, like Mercury, melts at low temperature (82 degrees F), and like Sodium, reacts with water. Cesium-137 is a source of Beta-particles and has a half life of 30 years, but decays into Barium 137m, which produces far more
dangerous gamma rays. There has been one major accident involving Cesium 137, involving an improperly discarded medical radiotherapy machine in Brazil in 1987. Scavengers found the machine and pried it open, triggering a disaster second only to Chernobyl.

Blix: Iraq Now Proactive on Disarmament Inspections will work if given time.

Blix: Inspections Need More Time

Israeli Troops Seize Chunk of Gaza Strip "C'mon! Start bombing Iraq so we can get the ethnic cleansing going, already!"

Khatami hopes Iraqi disarmament will set stage for Israel to disarm Israel is already defying more UN Resolutions than Iraq, protected by the veto of Israel's slave-state the US.

Blix Tells UN Iraq Has Made Substantial Progress in Disarming

U.S., Britain to Give Iraq Short Deadline

Transcript of weapons inspector's U.N. presentation - Mar. 7, 2003 WARNING: This transcript is from CNN so it may be short a few words, the last Blix transcript from CNN was missing 750 words ! You can listen to Blix's remarks at

Gov't Predicts Record Gas Prices in April If Bush's oil buddies can't get rich in Iraq, they'll just suck it out of you!

Pyongyang: We'll put a torch to New York

Blix says "no evidence" of proscribed Iraqi mobile activities

US CAUGHT USING FAKE DOCUMENTS AGAIN TO JUSTIFY IRAQ WAR! The head of the U.N. nuclear agency said on Friday that the documents backing U.S. and British allegations that Iraq had attempted to import uranium from Niger were "not authentic." (Now we know why the US media kept cutting away to the non-story about the arrest of Osama, no wait it was
Osama's sons, no wait we don't know who they are, in Pakistan

Why Hussein Will Not Give Weapons of Mass Destruction to Al Qaeda Iraq is a secular government. If Saddam gave Al Qaeda weapons of mass destruction, it is likely Al Qaeda would turn them on Saddam.

US troops 'pouring into Saudi Arabia' If Saudi Arabia thinks the US will keep its promise to withdraw all its forces after the war, they are dreaming. The US will not keep its promise because there will never be an end to this war.

Humor break

ElBaradei: Proof Iraq Imported Uranium Was Fake I hear that all the major networks went to commercial when this came down.

Mel Gibson Takes Up Traditional Catholicism


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