Tuesday, March 04, 2003

News 03/03 03/04

yeah, yeah I didn't do anything yesterday. I have a note, honest!

Houston freer than New York? One person has reason to believe so.

Criminalizing Cryptography. A Bad Idea Let's start rounding up terrorists instead. Whaddya think?

So, Bush Wants Civil Disobedience? Hey. don't be so naive!! It's Conditional!

War to Start on 03/13? Big mistake A snippet from the article: "One of the first casualties of the conflict - apart from Saddam - is likely to be French President Jacques Chirac" who is against war on Iraq, the paper said.

It said US President George W Bush telephoned Chirac last week and told him that "we will not forgive and we will not forget." I hve little doubt Der Shrubber said this. As for the timing issue, the next link is an absolute Must Read!!!!

Bush's Bombs to start dropping on Holy day? This will insure that Muslims the world over will get all warm and cuddly with the US' plan of Imperialism!! Who knew?

Charlotte Beers, US Propaganda tool to the Middle-East quits over, 'Health Issues'> Yeah, the health of the US Mid-East policy is in an ICU.

Condi's NSA Bugging of the UN just part of a long proud heritage of bugging the UN

One Front, Two Fronts, No Fronts, Iraq's Fucked

Allied Aircraft and Their mis-labeled Weapons Systems Weapons Used against suface troops while enforcing No-Fly Zones. "Hey, we didn't know!"

Today's terror master-mind Keeping Hush He has to be as important as the spooks tell us he is, right? Or is he just another guy named Mohammed? We don't know, nor will we ever.

Democracy for Iraq? Who the Fuck is he kidding? "Must Obey Sharon. The Bible tells me to."

Al-Qaeda Planned Pearl Harbor Attack? Who the Hell knows.

Report on the Failure of the US Media This article is a few paragraphs in length, it ought to be a book. Hrmmmmmph.

Bushies 2K4 run being planned. Why is there no opposition? This guy is a sitting duck to a good Rebuplican challenger. American Democracy, your oxymoron for the day.

Court Rules: Media Can Lie Well, the courts only a couple of hundred years out of step on this one. Sad, sad, sad. Fox News is involved. There's a shocker.

Yeah, the economy's bad, but it can, and will get worse Bush, the "MBA President", oh the irony.

Jim Marrs "Rule by Secrecy" and the Kennedy Assassination Rule By Secrecy, an idea that's as fresh as today!

Al-Qaeda and the missing millions A British Embarrassment--Not coming to a theater near you!

Israel: Sharon establishes new government with ultra-nationalist and fascistic parties Hard to improve on a headline like that!!

Arabs are Dogs Redux Yes, we try to present opposing viewpoints. Angry Canadian man lashes out at Arabs whilst US lashes out at entire world. See the big picture.

"Letter to the President: Restore justice and equity to the land" Mixing Czarist Russia with George W. :)

Honey, have you seen my glasses and the Constitution? Read it. It's good.

Now The Japanese Know How To Protest! Read it. Do it!

Martin Sheen Gets Hate Mail Presumably over his anti-war stance. A caveat, this is coming from that Reactionary Rag, The World Net Daily.

The government of the United States has the most incredibly outrageous and unmitigated gall. According to the official position of the White House, the worst thing on the planet is Saddam Hussein. Apparently, they don't have any mirrors in the White House. Mirrors and Diplomacy are bad.

Russia ready to send militray monitors to Iraq And a Veto to the UN Security Council. Hey, that's the rumor.

Britons and others, talking about Tony B. Now, where's my direct line to the Whitehouse?

More about Ariel, and his friendly ways. The Sharon adminstration is the second biggest threat to peace. But We're NUMBER ONE!!

FACING REALITY: US barbarism I can add nothing. Read, learn, get active!

Bad Week-End for War Hawks Maybe it'll get worse from here.

No Money for Bush's Neverending Wars That's okay, we can always issue bonds. I wonder who will buy them?

Iraq: We have no more to declare Yes, we will halt further destruction of our El-Samoud 2s as well. What do we really have to lose. This war was planned back in '98 while the first round of UN Inspectors were still here!!

More about Ariel and His Ethnic Cleansing Buddies

Israeli officer court-martialled for refusing order to target civilians This needs to be flushed out by the International media. Help!!!

84% of Japanese oppose Iraq attack I guess this means that they, "Just Made the List."

U.S. may lose interest in Iraq after war -analysts Naw, Look at the Great Job we did in Afghanistan!! Come on guys!! I see anarchy and a humanitarian nightmare.

Turks Say No Means No Revote on denial of U.S. is put off Good for the turks!!!

Archaeologists fear plunder of Iraq in any war Another form of Collateral Damage that can never be repaired.

Emergency services face 'catastrophic incident' test UK to Plan Terror Preparedness Excercises. Failure is Certain.

PNAC and the Death of Our Republic It's no secret that I'm wholly against the neocon idealogues that comprise PNAC, but one election cycle, and they could be neutered. Two cycles, and they'll need new shock troops.

Satellite system used by authorities to track suspects Our simple advice, 1) Read the article 2) Stay Inside. Remember, in this Amerika, you're presumed guilty until you die.

Analysts: Bush Plan Backfires
Attack not vital with Iraq yielding
Read the last two paragraphs. Perle and Co. Read: PNAC have it all laid out you.

Patriot Act is assault on civil rights, constitutional lawyer tells audience We have seen the traitor, and it is U.S.

Hatch Criticizes 9/11 Report by Judiciary Committee Members Specter says 9/11 attacks could have been prevented. Will you ever know the truth? Not as long as Bush Inc. is at the helm.

Baghdad reveals location of nerve agent and anthrax The headline is misleading. What Baghdad has done is to show the UN inspectors where the remains of the weapons of mass destruction destroyed in 1995 are buried. These are the weapons Bush claimed were "unaccounted for". Well, guess what. NOW they are accounted for. This is why Bush has now changed the reason for the war from WMDs to "Saddam must go". Another coup for Saddam. Will it matter in the end? No.

New Zealand police criticise US embassy over release of hoax terror letter Your tax dollars at work. Oddly enough, the Kiwis are adamantly against the Bush war. Coincidence?


Bob Fitrakis & Harvey Wasserman: 'Bush would be guilty at Nuremberg' Great read!!! The article lays out the case very nicely.

Robert Fisk: A breakthrough in the war on terror? I'll believe it when we see some evidence That's the way journalism is supposed to be done. Are you listening my US Press Corps lackeys?

300,000 mentally ill in US prisons Why the fuck do we get the good stories from the Foreign Press? I know the answer, but it still pisses me off.

More on Doe V. Bush

Officials: Alleged al Qaeda paymaster in custody Unnamed US official claims, "He's not a HUGE fish." but apparently of legal size. :)

British ministers: Attack on Iraq to take place after U.N. vote; Baghdad continues to destroy missiles War to happen regardless of anything. the Russian veto won't stop it, nor will anything Saddam does. The fix is in.

Deficits definitely matter Except if you're a failed businessman, born to royalty that has never had to manage money.

Patriots Rally for America IV Translation: Uninformed pseudo-patriots rally for a war they'll never have to serve in. Are they dull children of the administration? I'd say yes. Convenient patriots.

"If You Want To Win An Election, Just Control The Voting Machines" Seems simple enough. I'll get me some. :)

Bush Pulls a Page Out of Goering's Playbook Read it, and see if you can find any difference between Goering's statement and the current Admin's behavior.

End New links One

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