Monday, October 27, 2014

I should stop blogging about ebola..with reasoned internal discourse.

Now that multitudes of blogs have sprung up dedicated to ebola--and the West Africa outbreak in particular--I see no reason to continue in like form. It seems odd that the great majority of these bloggers have even less demonstrated knowledge about infectious disease as even I possess.

The rise of blogs dedicated specifically to ebola has risen even more exponentially than the West African outbreak. One needn't even do statistical analysis to demonstrate this. I first drafted an ebola post on 25 Jun 2014. The post was left as draft as I had a new retinal vein occlusion to contend with, and I was really quite frightened over the prognosis. My eye is till ungood, but intense exercise that results in retinal vein perfusion gives me good results.

Back then, there was misplaced hope that the epidemic would be contained in short order. My first post remained a draft until I deleted it roughly a month ago. The reason for this exegesis on my initial concerns about the ebola outbreak is that in the interim months, the number of blogs--or sub-blogs dedicated to ebola has risen to nearly 50,000. This figure was arrived at moments ago by searching Google using "ebola blog" replete with quotation marks. When the quotation marks are removed, the number of hits rises to over 30 million. There are now a few people actively covering the epidemic.

I find it striking that a sampling of ebola blogs that are digitally penned by non-experts fare even worse than I do when commenting on the rise and course of the West African epidemic.

I now use the "app" to get my daily ebola updates typically whilst breakfasting. Since this seems as good a channel as any to get updates at less than 5 minute intervals, my work on ebola is done.

As a concerned citizen of the world, I may make the odd ebola post, but that will be the exception. Oh, another thing about NewsNow, it is the richest source of data, as NewsNow currently pulls from 44,351 sources. Let us not be fools. Some of the "news sources" are nothing but uninformed habitats for vitriol. The way I differentiate myself from that group is by avoiding inflammatory rhetoric...most of the time.

Since I have no agenda for my blogging future..writing about technology gadgets is almost as dry as writing about semiconductor theory and implementation. That vast amounts of people buy into the gadget of the week pushed by corporate profit goals is more of a realm for sociologists than technologists.

Then there is my aversion to writing about people's weaknesses. I need to come up with a new and narrow focus wherein I can actually add something substantive to the level of discourse. Hard technology blogs are read by few, and while it has never been about garnering a large audience for me, I would prefer to not toil endlessly in total anonymity. That's the rub.

Other than some technologies I only have a reasonable understanding of the following areas:

1) Living well under one's means

2) Innovative home repairs and improvemnts using novel materials

3) Investing

4) Botany. I should note that I have had a passionate interest in applied botany since I was perhaps 5 years of age. I minored in botany at a leading school on the subject.

5) Mineralogy and paleontology. Again, I have been a passionate collector since I can recall; and even had a brush with fame as co-discover of the source of arsenic in local well water when I was 12 years of age. It was quite awesome to co-author a paper with a geology professor before I was teen.

I know about other things with varying levels of depth and passion.

I am taking a break until 30 Oct. and will hopefully have both a more eclectic blog, and a more substantive blog. See you in three days--or four if you prefer to count things in that manner.


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