Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Leaks and Their Leakers
Okay, so the right-wing hypocrisites have been decrying the NYT's disclosure of the non-secret tracking of international money transfers.

The left meanwhile, have been crowing about the loss of privacy. I tend to agree with this view. I'm a privacy advocate.

But I digress. The leaker was GW Bush. Way back in September of 2001, in that "Churchillian"*cough* speech given to a special joint session of Congress he said something on the order of, 'we're working with foriegn and domestic financial institutions to cut off the terrorists' money supply.'

If the rules have been changed in the intervening years, I haven't heard of it.

Real historians will tell you that we Americans have no collective memory.

Bush should only be angry with himself for stating this in front of the entire nation, and everyone else should take it upon themselves to make certain Bush places the blame right on his pretzel scar.

I'd like to know why the hypocrisites haven't bashed the WSJ for also reporting on this only hours after the Times. Nevermind. I know that objective reality isn't part of their agendas.

GWB should ask his favorite philosopher about this one. Maybe the J-Man could jog his alcohol addled mind....and Cheney, too.

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