Sunday, May 16, 2004

Mixed Nuts

I thought the entry title appropriate given the planetary weirdness going on.

Just some quick observations.

More evidence on the reported Shia/Sunni solidarity against the 'coalition' forces. The heavy use of 'coalition' military force may revive the support that Muktada al-Sadr was reportedly losing. No mention of those nefarious foreign fighters - I have noted that we hear less and less about them all the time.


What's all this about the Arab League not condemning the murder of Nick Berg? I think that the response has been surprisingly strong in condemning the act. Have we condemned our murder of thousands of Iraqi civilians?

HAMAS and Hizbollah joined Arab governments in "condemning this grisly act." I'd say that's pretty strong.

What does Powell expect? I'll speculate. He expects his rebuking of Arab leaders to shift American thought from the Abu Ghraib situation. I don't think that this has anything to do with Arab leaders. I think it's all about a certain event that will be happening in Nov. of this year.

We rightly condemn the abuse of prisoners held by all countries everywhere, but have little to say about 'collateral damage.' How odd we are.

I am totally freaked-out about all of this - Abu Ghraib, Berg, all the killing. All the killing. For what?

In case you haven't read about Berg's alleged relationship with Zacarias Moussaoui, the only person publicly charged in relation to 9-11, now you have a link.

With Berg's death, we'll likely not hear anthing more from official sources about Berg's encounter with Moussaoui. This is just too weird.


The huge crater that is now being recognized as the causative factor of the mass extinction event at the Permian-Triassic juncture was mentioned in aboriginal folklore.

Archeologists, reviewing a petroglyph in northwestern Australia that has been deciphered as meaning: George Bush Jr. is going to be president of the most powerful country on the planet in the future.

The impression[crater] is God slapping his forehead in disbelief. :)

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