Friday, May 14, 2004

Two Quickies

First up...Your Humble blogger just got hired as a senior engineer by a semiconductor firm that specializes in semis for medical and RF devices. Woohoo!!

I'll drink to that.


Next, and lastly for the moment, in today's episode of Democracy Now!, Amy Goodman interviews Ambassador Joseph Wilson. You know, Valerie Plame's husband.

I haven't read Wilson's book, The Politics of Truth: Inside the Lies that Led to War and Betrayed My Wife's CIA Identity: A Diplomat's Memoir, but now I feel that I must. Wilson was a loyal and trusted servant for a reason. It's a real shame that the White House allegely leaked his wife's name. The two of them deserved to be esteemed not villified.

In honor of Wilson's and Plame's decades of service to their country, I'll add the book to my links, and the book itself to my library. I have a date with Borders :)

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