Friday, May 21, 2004


This is a very odd online publication to say the least.

When your intellectual stars include such luminaries as David Limbaugh, Ann Coulter and Dr. Laura, it's enough to drive an objective thinker into the arms of Bakunin.

Why even bring up such a towering intellectual site with such a wide range of thought ranging from far-right to ultra-radical right? Good question.

It seems that one Robert Knight, Director of the Culture and Family Institute has some serious issues seperating reality from his exceptionally warped ultra-right Biblical literalist worldview.

His recent 'Perfect Storm' claims - without any supporting data or evidence of course - that some mix of a permissive attitude towards homosexuality, placing women in combat conditions, and pornography, are responsible for the atrocious act perpetrated to Nicholas Berg.

Mr. Knight claims to know the mind of the terrorist when he avers: "Muslim extremists don't know that the majority of Americans are decent, law-abiding people who wish them no harm."

I wish he would give us some more pearls of wisdom such as the above.

It seems much more likely that extremists of any ilk know that the majority of any population is comprised of 'decent law-abiding people who wish them no harm.'

He offers a solution to the societal ills he lays out for the reader. One needs to be getting down "on their knees and asking God's forgiveness for letting it get this bad. Then, they should ask Him for guidance in how to restore the moral order."

If this fails, he then offers more pragmatic, deity-free advice.

Read the 'Perfect Storm' piece. It's not enlightened, but it makes for good digital fish-wrap.

Mr. Knight needs to know just how off-base he is. Direct comments here.

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