Friday, March 19, 2004

Reuter's Headline: Bush says Iraq differences are in the past

The 'doctrine of change of course' was in full effect today, as I heard Bush ramble on...and on...and on...about the Iraq war without once mentioning WMD.

He muttered something about weapons of mass terror falling into the hands of terrorists.

There are two statements that would be appropriate for this day. They are as follows:

1) We have now secured Saddam Hussein's vast arsenal of weapons of mass destruction


2) We were wrong about Iraq's weapons capabilities, and I as commander-in-chief assume all responsibility for all the damage done.

A real leader would have been able to have made one of those statements today. Instead, we get 'the doctrine.' All that WMD talk doesn't matter you know. It's stale. Old news. We've moved beyond that issue. It no longer matters.

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