Tuesday, March 16, 2004

Bogus Polling?

In a CBS poll released today Bush leads Kerry 46% to 43%.

Okay, no problem.

What is curious about the poll is what respondents reportedly said in response to questions other than who are you likely to vote for in November.

36 percent of respondents believe the economy will "get better" under Kerry, while only 30 percent believe it will "get better" in a second Bush term.

Advantage: Kerry

23 percent of respondents believe the economy will "get worse" under Bush, while only 11 percent believe it will deteriorate under Kerry.

Advantage: Kerry

A full 47 percent of Americans said the administration's policies have caused the number of jobs to decrease, while only 14 percent said Bush's policies have created jobs.

Advantage: Kerry

Direction of the country -- 54 percent of respondents said the country is on the wrong track, while 38 percent said the country is on the right track.

Advantage: Kerry

Percentage of people who think the economy is "getting better" is waning. 28 percent now think the economy is improving, compared with 33 percent in February.

Advantage: Kerry

Economy's direction -- 27 percent think the economy is "getting worse," which was unchanged from February.

Since the number is unchanged, I'll call it a toss-up.

War in Iraq -- 42 percent of respondents said the conflict was "worth it," while 51 percent said it was "not worth it."

Advantage: Kerry

Economic decisions -- almost six in 10 said they are uneasy about Bush's ability to make economic decisions, while four in 10 said they were confident.

Advantage: Kerry

Ability to deal wisely with an international crisis -- almost half, 46 percent, said they were uneasy about Bush, and about Kerry, 48 percent.

Advantage: Statistical tie

Ability to deal with an international crisis -- 53 percent said they were confident in Bush's ability, while only 33 percent said that about Kerry.

Advantage: Bush

That's as much as I could mine without the raw polling data.

I have to wonder what the respondents would have answered if asked; "who is most likely to cause an international crisis?" That would be a hoot.

No questions on the environment? That's just irresponsible.

The NYT has some numbers.

I'll never figure out the electorate.

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