Tuesday, March 23, 2004

Bush distorts! I know. It is hard to believe.

THE PRESIDENT: We're beginning to see a pattern here. (Laughter.) Senator Kerry is one of the main opponents of tax relief in the United States Congress. However, when tax increases are proposed, it's a lot easier to get a 'yes' vote out of him. (Laughter.) Over the years, he's voted over 350 times for higher taxes on the American people --
THE PRESIDENT: -- including the biggest tax increase in American history. He also supported a $.50 gallon tax on gasoline.
THE PRESIDENT: He wanted you to pay all that money at the pump and wouldn't even throw in a free car wash. (Laughter.) Now, Senator Kerry is proposing a lot of new federal spending in this campaign. He's going to have pay for it somehow. There's a gap between Senator Kerry's spending promises and Senator Kerry's promise of a lower deficit. It's what I call a tax gap. Given Senator Kerry's record of supporting tax increases, it's pretty clear how he's going to fill the tax gap. He's going to tax all of you.
THE PRESIDENT: Fortunately, you're not going to give him that chance. (Applause.)

Oh, really? 350 times..wow Unfortunately for Mr. Bush, there is a thing called the INTERNET.

Annenberg's Indespensible Fact Check does the heavy lifting.

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