Sunday, January 04, 2004

Media: Wrong Again?


In this S.F. Chronicle article, the paper is claiming that, "Dean Faces Stiffest Test Yet." This is absurd. Dean has been compaigning for umm, it seems like forever.

I live in New Hampshire, and Dean has been all over this state for well over as year. Dean has already overcome his toughest battle. I recall the early U.N.H. polls conducted in the past year plus, and Dean was polling at 3% or even less. That was in NH where he seemingly spent all of his time. On the national level Dean's numbers were so low as to be off the radar.

Governor Dean has overcome his 'stiffest test.' His challengers' now face theirs.

On Edit: I was wrong. Badly. Dean's stiffest test does lie ahead. But it is not coming from his challengers in the upcoming primary, it is coming from that model of objectivity, collectively known as The American Press. More later.

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