Wednesday, January 07, 2004

Press Suckered Again?

Consider this:

Tax Cut Repeal Plans Assailed

By Rick Pearson

CHICAGO TRIBUNE; The Chicago Tribune is a Tribune Co. newspaper.

January 7, 2004

Des Moines - Democrats looking to extend their presidential campaigns through New Hampshire and beyond attacked Howard Dean and Richard Gephardt yesterday for their plans to repeal President George W. Bush's tax cuts and thus raise taxes on middle-class Americans.

But in a radio debate featuring six of the nine Democratic presidential hopefuls, Dean and Gephardt separately maintained that their proposals to use revenues gained by ending the tax cuts to pay for health care and other initiatives would provide benefits to the middle class.

Dean, a former Vermont governor, said charges that he was raising taxes on the middle class were "hogwash."

Dean and Gephardt, who are at the top of polls in Iowa, also clashed over Medicare funding. And while the candidates said they would work to represent all Americans, including conservative Republicans, if they won the White House, Dean said, "You cannot accommodate right-wing zealots. There's no accommodation to be had." More at Link.

It is abundantly clear that the Bush tax cuts have done two things. The tax cuts have shifted much of the burden for services normally subsidized by the federal government to that states. The other thing the cuts have done is to mortgage our future. It's really that simple.

Dean is the only major candidate from either party to have actually balanced a budget. Granted it was the small state of Vermont's, but it should be noted.

The repeal of Bush's tax cuts would immediately give more money to the states. Those that are fiscally responsible will benefit greatly. The federal government under GWB has been a mass of pork spending. Bush has yet to veto any spending bill. When you're born with a silver spoon up your in your mouth, you're not likely to have had the experiences of one developing under different circumstances. Dean was blessed as well, but he has a proven record of fiscal responsibility.

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