Friday, May 30, 2014

400 Parts Per million..and rising

400 PPM and Rising!

While largely a symbolic figure, symbolism is the level at which most of my fellow countrymen ever seem delve into an issue. Climate Change deniers will be will us while they bake, drown, starve, or freeze. The simple fact it that atmospheric CO2 is at levels not seen since at least 800 thousands years ago. Estimates now range that levels have not been where they now reside for at least 2 million years.

Even the staunchest climate change denier cannot think that the experiment we're performing on the planet is a good thing.

If the predicted El Nino(~75% probability) hots the northern hemisphere this year, there will me an exodus of people AGAIN believing in global climate change. The masses in the US are so utterly propagandized that they cannot hold--at least en masse--a long term position where even predicted extremes of weather events reinforce, rather than nullify, the reality of global warming.

I'm sure to revisit this issue again and again, so no need to waste more your time today.