Wednesday, December 14, 2005

Sorry 'bout That
My lack of updates, that is..I have been following along, but time constraints and my work schedule has not permitted me to properly maintain the blog over the last week.

In a VERY small effort to atone for these transgressions, I offer the following observation.

This week(two days ago, in fact) President Bush acknowledged that 30,000 Iraqi civilians had died as a result of the US invasion and occupation of Iraq.

Admittedly, I haven't read a great deal of commentary this week, and even less radio and TV, but I have yet to hear anyone discuss the 1,000,000 that died as a result of the decade plus of UN(essentially US sanctions against Iraq) and any estimates of how many more Iraqis are likely to die as a result of our 'interventions.'

That the situation remains grim in much of the country is beyond debate.

Bush also made the oblique 9/11-Saddam reference this week. If this was indeed retribution for 9/11, wouldn't a ten Iraqis to one American ratio seem a bit extreme?

I'm well aware that most people view their own as more valuable than 'the other,' but the mis-leader of the (erstwhile) free world should grasp the political realities of treating 'the other' inequitably.

A real issue that isn't getting the airtime that it should, save for some of the foreign press is the humanitarian crisis in post-earthquake Pakistan/Kashmir. Commendably, ReutersAlertNet has been covering the tragedy with the necessary balance of cool-headedness, while sounding the alarm. The Himalayan earthquake is shaping up to be the number 2 humanitarian cris of 2005. Katrina, while tragic, is minor by comparison.

Feel like reading?.


Okay, in other stuff, I am still working on a total site overhaul, and will be sticking with Blogger for now. If I ever get a larger readership, I'll move to a different platform, but for now, free is good. Launch date: 01-01-2006


The major environmental post I promised, is still in the works. I'd like to publish one major article per week. That's part of the site overhaul.

I'm also considering doing a three panel comic strip. Since I have no ability ot draw beyond the VERY rudimentary level, I have a cartoonist that's really talented to help out.

I'm looking to add three weekly features in 2006. I think that's as much as I can promise and deliver on.

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