Friday, June 18, 2004

Cheney v What?

I'm glad that the ever resourceful Dick 'their sand, our oil' Cheney has found the culprits responsible for the differing conclusions between the 9-11 Commission and The White House's version is due to (drum roll) the lazy media.
Dick: "The press, with all due respect, (is) often times lazy, often times simply reports what somebody else in the press said without doing their homework."
He's absolutely right. That's what got us into the Iraq debacle in the first place.

Remember those halcyon days when the media was merely amplifier and salesman for whatever the Bush Administration was selling? Oh, to be able to turn back time a year. Life as a neocon was good, and the useful idiots were aplenty. But I digress ;)
More Dick: "There clearly was a relationship. It's been testified to. The evidence is overwhelming."

"It goes back to the early '90s. It involves a whole series of contacts, high-level contacts with Osama bin Laden and Iraqi intelligence officials."
So, how did the 9-11 Commission media get things get things so wrong this time, when they were oh so accurate in their reporting from 09/11/2001 to the present?

Well, Dick doesn't answer that 'elephant in the room,' but gives us this tantalizing tease:
Asked if he knows information that the 9/11 commission does not know, Cheney replied, "Probably."
More Dick courtesy of the "lazy" media.

I have hope that the Bush nightmare may be finally drawing to a close. Of course a lot can happen between now and November. But I am now hopeful.

If that lazy media can continue to get the most accurate reflection of objective reality packaged and sold to the American people, then hey, we just might prune the Oval Office of a certain Bush come November. Just maybe.

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