Sunday, December 14, 2003

Saddam is in custody. This is really good news. There is some chatter about Saddam being tried in Iraq. CNN showed the infamous Rumsfeld/Saddam handshake this AM.

It will be curious to see what we can learn about US/Iraq relations over the years. Will Saddam be allowed to talk? I do not think so. Since the US supported him for a couple of decades under the notion of, 'the enemy of my enemy....' , he knows much about the West's somewhat troubling past. As well as the very recent past.

Richard Perle's recent admission that the prosecution of the Iraq war was illegal under international law, along with the lack of any hard evidence of post 1991 chem/bio/nuclear weapons programs does concern me that everything Saddam knows will never see the light of day.

Congratulations to our forces on a job well done. Now, let us have the courage to let Saddam tell his story before he is most likely to be face execution.

Already, pundits have claimed that this hurts the Democrats running for President. Especially Howard Dean. I do no think that this is so. It is more of a booster shot for Bush, but does not alter any of the reasons that we prosecuted this war. Until we know what the fallout from the Iraq war is, we should not make hasty proclamations.

It will most likely be decades before we know what the implications of our actions are. So far, everything save for the initial war prosecution has gone poorly for this administration, and the world at large.

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