Tuesday, December 16, 2003

pure bs exclusive -- Texas woman violates Erotic Weapons Convention Ban

Texas housewife busted for hawking erotic, dual use toys
Sales rep for Brisbane firm sold vibrator to undercover agents

A Texas housewife is in big trouble with the law for selling a dual use device, AKA a 'vibrator' to a pair of undercover cops, and the Brisbane Vibrator Company® she works for says Texas is an "antiquated place'' with more than its share of "prudes.''

Joanne Webb, a former fifth-grade teacher and mother of three, was in a county court in Cleburne, Texas, on Monday to answer anti-terroism charges for selling the vibrator to undercover narcotics officers posing as a dysfunctional married couple in search of a sex aid. This is a breach of EWC articles 12 and 14. Article 12 states: "No person or persons of a country which is a party to the EWC shall produce, sell or through their actions, proceed in the direction of acquiring banned agents."

The so-called "vibrator" in question is such a banned item. While having some functionality as a 'personal massage device,' the device can also be used for the expressly prohibited purpose of: "Causing intense physical pleasure, resulting in orgasm, or in the absence of orgasm, large grins."

Article 14 of the EWC, states: "No person or persons of a country which is a party to the EWC shall produce, sell or through their actions, proceed in the direction of acquiring banned precusor agents that may be used to produce another device, or the mental and/or physical desire to acquire such agents." Ms. Webb's alleged possession and sale of, a "vibrator," violates both the spirit and intent of the law on this count. From the EWC: "Vibrator(s) have a high likelihood of causing the user(s) to pursue other more erotically stimulating agents, including but not limited to 'strap-on extensions, higher voltage devices, "Ben wa balls" and pneumatic, or hydraulic devices."

Webb, a saleswoman for Passion Parties of Brisbane, faces a year in jail and a $4,000 fine if convicted.

"What I did was not obscene,'' Webb said. ""What's obscene is that the government is taking action about what we do in our bedrooms.''

The arrest of Webb in Cleburne, a small town 50 miles southwest of Dallas, was the first time that any of the company's 3,000 sales consultants have been busted, said Pat Davis, the president of Passion Parties. She said the company was outraged by the charges and stood behind Webb....more debauchery

We at pure bs are of the opinion that the EWC is a kneejerk reaction to the horrific events of 9/11. US Attorney General John Ashcroft used America's feelings of vulnerability post 9/11 to 'ram through' this onerous legislation.

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