Monday, February 17, 2003

Liberal Radio and Rush Limbaugh's Boss

First the NYT story:

Liberal Radio Is Planned by Rich Group of Democrats


A group of wealthy Democratic donors is planning to start a liberal radio network to counterbalance the conservative tenor of radio programs like "The Rush Limbaugh Show."

The group, led by Sheldon and Anita Drobny, venture capitalists from Chicago who have been major campaign donors for Bill Clinton and Al Gore, is in talks with Al Franken, the comedian and author of "Rush Limbaugh Is a Big Fat Idiot." It hopes to enlist other well-known entertainers with a liberal point of view for a 14-hour, daily slate of commercial programs that would heavily rely on comedy and political satire.

The plan faces several business and content challenges, from finding a network of radio stations to buy the program to overcoming the poor track record of liberal radio shows. But it is the most ambitious undertaking yet to come from liberal Democrats who believe they are overshadowed in the political propaganda wars by conservative radio and television personalities.

The concern has been around for years: Hillary Rodham Clinton first mentioned a "vast, right-wing conspiracy" in 1998. But the sentiment has taken on new urgency with the rise to the top of the cable news ratings of the Fox News Channel, considered by many to have a conservative slant, and the Republicans' gaining control of the Senate in November. Such events have spurred many wealthy Democrats to explore investments in possible, liberal-skewing media ventures. New campaign finance rules that restrict giving opportunities also gave them further incentive........

More here....

This is a very positive move, but hidden away on the second page is a statement from Limbaugh's boss that is a real slap to conservatives. It follows.

Some radio executives said they simply did not believe liberal radio could become good business. Among them was Kraig T. Kitchen, chief executive of Premiere Radio Networks, one of the nation's largest radio syndication arms with the programs of Mr. Limbaugh, Mr. Reagan and Dr. Laura Schlessinger, among others. Though Mr. Kitchin said he was a conservative, he also said he would have pursued liberal programs had he thought there was money in them. He ascribes to the popular view in the industry that liberal hosts present issues in too much complexity to be very entertaining — while addressing a diffuse audience that has varying views.

Well, my legions of conservative readers, Mr. Kitchin doesn't think that conservative radio hosts present complex issues, whilst back handedly offering up the observation that issues raised by conservative talk radio hosts are fun entertainment! This is outrageous.

Obligatory quick recap. Conservative talk radio easy on the intellect, light on the issues and served up with a big dose of entertainment value. Liberal talk radio, no investment grade entertainment value, but heavy on the issues and mentally stimulating.

If I was a conservative, I'd be upset. I'm more of an anarchist when it comes to political ideology.


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