Sunday, May 30, 2004

Rummy Then, and Now

It seems like only yesterday - Jan. of 2003 - when our prescient Sec. of Defense, Donald Rumsfeld said:
"Germany has been a problem and France has been a problem," Mr Rumsfeld told Washington's foreign press corps on Wednesday.

"But you look at vast numbers of other countries in Europe, they're not with France and Germany... they're with the US.

"You're thinking of Europe as Germany and France. I don't," he said. "I think that's old Europe."
Remember those halcyon days of pre-Iraq war, when Rumsfeld was lionized?

No, I don't either.

Well, that was Rummy then. Here's Rummy now:
"The extremists know the rise of a free, self-governing Iraq, respectful of all religions - would deal the terrorists a decisive blow," Rumsfeld said. "Its success depends on encouraging friends and allies with whom we are so interdependent to not be terrorized by threats or isolated by fear."
It's reassuring in this time of war that our Sec. of Defense is such a strong and consistent voice.

Here are the links:

Screw "Old Europe." We don't need them. (Rumsfeld classic)

I love everybody. France, Germany, we need you. (kinder, gentler Rummy)

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