Friday, April 23, 2004

Meet the New Boss

Same as the old boss.

The Independent is reporting that former generals of Saddam's regime are being recalled to serve in Iraq's 'new(wtf?)' military.

This story illustrates just how little we have accomplished in real terms of bringing change to Iraq.

Additionally, former Ba'athist party officials are being employed in the 'new(honest, it's really new)' government.

The CPA, and the IGC are seen as illegitimate by some 80 percent of the population. That was prior to this new(old?) policy shift.

Read Cockburn's piece.

This is yet another official major policy shift that underscores just how unprepared the COAB(Coalition of the Billing) was in their quest to remake Iraq.

If ever you needed an unequivocal action that affirms the maxim: "The more things change, the more they stay the same," the Bush Administration, and it's collective of neo-con advisors' and minders have provide you a "casus exemplar" of the highest(and humanistically direst) order.

If this latest policy blunder not mark the death knell for the "Bush Doctrine" - which is really just PNAC's principles implemented as policy - humanity is in far worse shape than I ever imagined.


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