Monday, April 05, 2004

Democracy: Nice Concept

Thomas Kean, Chairman of the 9-11 Commission told Tim Russert on Meet The Press yesterday that their report will contain "surprises," and that the White House will be going over their report "line by line" vetting it for national security purposes.

One can't help but be suspicious over the vetting process. After all of the stonewalling and obfuscations by this White House over nearly every substantive issue.

Kean reported that White House Chief of Staff, Andrew Card will be overseeing the vetting.

This is the same Andrew Card that said in 'selling' the Iraq war to the American people: "From a marketing point of view, you don't introduce a new product in August."

I can only hope that truth, and historical accuracy trumps party this time. I am not however, holding my breath.

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