Monday, January 19, 2004

The Oxycontin King on The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace

"Bush administration officials exaggerated the threats from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and failed to uncover any links between Hussein and al-Qaeda leader Osama bin Laden, says a private, nonpartisan [group.]" Which is flat-out BS, folks. This is the well-known hyper-left-wing Carnegie Foundation. It's one of these, just like the Ford Foundation, these people were originally endowed by great conservative families, and they've been taken over by the left. This notion that the left doesn't have a think thank out there, like they don't have a talk radio network, it's all a bunch of BS. What is NPR, what's the mainstream press and television to begin with? So they're not on radio and they're not the going to succeed with the way they're trying it anyway. But to think that they don't have a presence. And here's a classic example. This Carnegie Foundation is being portrayed as a nonpartisan research organization. That's absolutely a lie. These people are some of the biggest extreme leftists you can find.

Well, Rush, it's easy to say anything. And you will. Where is your evidence that the CEIP is a 'hyper-left-wing' foundation? I know something about the Carnegie Endowment. Unlike you, and from all accounts, the majority of your listeners, I have been following the CEIP since prior to GW2. They are hardly extreme leftists. They are rational, and intelligent observers. They advocated something called "Forceful Inspections" prior to the Neo-cons excellent adventure, but I suspect that you were to busy calling for unnecessary war to have noticed, Mr. pilynidal cyst. Let's follow Rush along on his fantasy a bit more.

"The study by the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace..." What the hell would it be but a bunch of lefties? It might as well say the Carnegie Endowment for International Surrender, because that's what these people would do to get peace. They're pure leftists. "The study states that administration officials systematically misrepresented the threat from Iraq's weapons of mass destruction and ballistic missile program by treating possibilities as fact and misrepresenting inspectors' findings in ways that turn threats from minor to dire. The three Carnegie Endowment researchers who produced the report charged that U.S. officials politicized intelligence to fit their arguments for a war to oust Hussein. 'We believe that in 2002 the intelligence process began to be politicized,' said Carnegie's president Jessica Matthews. 'They were under intense pressure to produce something that buttresses policy makers' beliefs. This is an old story in government. This just happens to be an egregious case with extreme consequences, namely, going to war.'"

Still looking for a shred of evidence that the CEIP was wrong, Rush? It is that you, Bush and all the other war hawks want to continue believing in your fantasy, and cannot accept the fact that Hussein had no weapons. Need we go back to plagiarized dossiers, Powell and Rice on tape declaring prior to 9/11 that Saddam was no threat. Not to his neighbors, and certainly not to us. I have all the data. You on the other hand, are beholden to a group of easily duped listening body for your ratings. I know that you believed that Iraq had WMD. It's okay to say that you were wrong. It is not okay to smear the good works of good people. More Rush..

"The other two researchers are Joseph Sirincioni, director of the Nonproliferation Project at the Carnegie Endowment and George Perkovitch, vice president for studies at Carnegie, who authored a book on India's nuclear bomb. Now, okay, let's just take this at face value. Let's not even argue with what they say just for the fun of it, folks, just for the fun of it. Because if we take this story at face value, we also would have to include in this story that Bill Clinton advanced the exact same, phony, artificial data and did it for political reasons. His were to hide what was going on with Monica Lewinsky, grand jury testimony, and the impeachment to distract people from that, but we got the speech from Bill Clinton December 16th, 1988, it reads almost identically to everything George Bush ever said. And then we can go back to Bush 41 and we can find other politicians in the middle. We can find Democrats who voted for all this. What about the members of the Senate intelligence committee and the House intelligence committees. You think they had a look at this data and believed it, too? But they did. We know Clinton did. We know Tom Daschle couldn't wait to sign on to the resolution in the Senate after Clinton spoke on December 16th authorizing the use of force.

More blather from the uninformed king of AM drivel radio

Well, well. Here is the truth. Those lefties were right. But, of course it wasn't Bush's bad intelligence that got us into Iraq, it was of course, Bill Clinton's. Rush's biggest crime and that of so many of our fellow countrymen is that he thinks he has the expertise to parse intelligence data. That is absurd. This war was overtly political. I don't blame Rush for being wrong. Many people were. I do blame him for not knowing enough about the CEIP to make a reasoned decision. But then that has never stopped him in the past.

Wrapping it all up is that Rush is either unable or unwilling to speak to his listeners with anything remotely like honesty about things that are likely to tarnish GWB's reputation. In this quarter, we have no such qualms. Rush, you are a world class hypocrite. GWB is an utter failure as a president, and is looting the country even as I type this.

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