Friday, December 12, 2003

The unelectable Bush pisses off everyone.

Okay. The dynamic between Bush, Cheney, Halliburton, France, Germany, Canada, Great Britain, some GOP members, the UN, the Pentagon and whomever is really in charge in Iraq is simple.

Oh, I know, you'll hear all manner of Bush policy apologists telling you it's not their guy's fault. Bollocks. Everything, from the Halliburton billing fiasco to the row over -- and let's be adults here, and call the Iraqi 'obstructionists', the countries that got the WMD issue right -- the issuing of rebuilding contracts, to the cancellation of dubya's fault. If you want to play commander-in-chief, it's a four year commitment.

Additional color regarding the issuance of contracts here.

A taste of Halliburton's greed here.

Finally, a smattering of James Baker's Excellent Debt Adventure. Odd that ol' Jim still serves as senior counsel to the Carlyle Group. Can you say conflict of interest? Very good.

Now that we've cleared the air, it's time to polka!!

Note: If this seems a bit of a ramble, it is due in part to my being dreadfully tired. I know that my sentence structure could use work. Oh well.

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