We has a new president elect in 'MeriKKKa, and whilst I am not represented by any political party, the Reich Wing must be counterbalanced. In my case it is to be counterbalanced by blogging in the wilderness..as long as wilderness lasts. I am an enviro-anarchist by inclination and deed. On another blog, I started blogging about the environment and my wetland restoration attempts. These efforts continue, but due to New Hampshire being in the longest drought in the last hundred years, my best attempts dried up this year.
Our drought started in July of 2015 and has been very persistent. We have had a bit of relief lately but over the time spanning the drought we have received approximately 30% of normal precipitation.
I have had lots of my gardens collapse, and hace trees that are very stressed if not outright died. Since El Niño was superseded by La Niña our weather has been very desert-like. New Hampshire On average, my micro-climate receives some precipitation 131 days per year. Just this rainy season YTD we are down 9"+ of rainfall, and that is, or course on top of a very dry 2015-2016 winter where we merely had 29.8" of snow where the average at my elevation is slightly in excess of 90."
I could not water my gardens as my well level is perilously low, and the town aquifer is imperiled hence the ongoing water ban concerning most all outdoor use.
With the incoming president ambulating Creamsicle a climate change denier and all around douche canoe, we must fight to preserve what little protections we have for our mother.
I have decades of time invested in my gardens, and nearly a decade invested in my wetland. I will not allow anyone to take these things from me. I need to eat food so that I will have energy to fight tooth and nail against the incoming misadministration.
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