Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Limbaugh and the American flag
Well, well. It seems that the right-wing comedian; Oh-Wut-A-Rush Limbaugh has been caught with a prescription of Viagra that wasn't prescribed to him.

Nice role model. Let's see if he gets prosecuted for this..I can understand GOP hacks not being able to get wood without assistance, but Rushbo hasn't been especially soft(no pun intended..really!) on drug users in the past. I would think that this wood, or rather 'would' extend(damn it!) to those possessing another's prescription.

In other news, the Senate prevails and the Flag desecration amendment will not go out to the states for a vote.

I'm neutral on the issue.

An observation: Having traveled more than a bit, American's have a very curious relationship with the flag. I don't. And yes, I am an American.

However, the fetishizing of the flag seems to be unknown to the rest of the Western countries I have visited.

In the post 9/11 era, I'll take whatever liberties those infinitely wise in Washington seem fit to allow me to retain.

One more thing.

It seems like the environmental disaster that we are likely to have as our true legacy seems to really, finally, sinking into the public mind.

Admittedly, I have nothing but anecdotal evidence for this, but hey, that's a helluva lot more than most Faux News commentators and right-wing blonde 'bookshleppers' offer as proof.

If I was loony enough to enter the political world as anything but a critc of everything, I'd make the environment my number one issue. I'd hammer it into people's skulls that terrorists and the economy can cause us great pain, but the environment will cause the downfall of 'civilization' if we do not act courageously today.

Word to the right: The 'tree huggers' are the true prophets.

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